Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Can life get any worse? YES

I have faith in you! (12/15/14)
need some mojo!!! (12/8/14)
but we will survive!! (11/25/14)

Finally moved on! (1/15/15)

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Xerox WorkCenter 5655 Software Reset Procedure

Recommended by a very knowledgeable Xerox technician - perform this procedure once a month

  1. Unplug both Ethernet and power cable for 5 full minutes
  2. Hold down Print green button for 5 seconds and release, wait for 10 seconds, hold down again for another 5 seconds
  3. Plug in the power cable and power on while leaving the Ethernet cable unplugged
  4. Once the printer is up 100%, go to the admin console by pressing Access A button
  5. Enter the credential - by default it's admin and 1111 as the password.
  6. Select Tools Pathway, click on More and select Software Reset
  7. **Important** Select "Reset Both" BUT don't hit "Confirm" button yet. Plug in the Ethernet cable now, then hit "Confirm".
  8. Printer now will power cycle again.
  9. Print some test pages and the printer should respond better

Friday, August 8, 2014

Keep getting invalid password in Visual Voicemail on LG phone

After switching to LG G2 phone, I kept getting Invalid password popup but when I open Voice Mail app, there is no option to change the password. I know my voice mail password is correct because I could retrieve the voice messages by dialing into the mailbox.

The solution:

  1. On home screen, click on settings icon, and tab Application manager.
  2. Swipe the screen to the right and show ALL
  3. Swipe down till the Voice mail and tab it
  4. Click on "Clear data" then "Force stop"
  5. Go back to the Voice mail app, it should allow you to reconnect.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Command to Apply multiple patches on Adobe Standard 9

Adobe 9 has reached the end of support cycle and the "Check for updates" in Help menu is no longer checking.

In order to apply multiple msp patch files to bring Adobe Standard from 9.0.0 to 9.5.5 - the latest version released without installing them one by one, here is what I do.

Step 1: Download the following 17 msp files from Adobe site, and save them to a folder such as C:\Adobe9Patches folder.






Step 2: Create a install.bat file with the command below,

msiexec /p C:\Adobe9Patches\AcroProStdUpd910_T1T2_incr.msp;C:\Adobe9Patches\AcrobatUpd911_all_incr.msp;C:\Adobe9Patches\AcrobatUpd912_all_incr.msp;C:\Adobe9Patches\AcrobatUpd913_all_incr.msp;C:\Adobe9Patches\AcrobatUpd920_all_incr.msp;C:\Adobe9Patches\AcrobatUpd930_all_incr.msp;C:\Adobe9Patches\AcrobatUpd932_all_incr.msp;C:\Adobe9Patches\AcrobatUpd933_all_incr.msp;C:\Adobe9Patches\AcrobatUpd940_all_incr.msp;C:\Adobe9Patches\AcrobatUpd942_all_incr.msp;C:\Adobe9Patches\AcrobatUpd945_all_incr.msp;C:\Adobe9Patches\AcrobatUpd946_all_incr.msp;C:\Adobe9Patches\AcrobatUpd950_all_incr.msp;C:\Adobe9Patches\AcrobatUpd951_all_incr.msp;C:\Adobe9Patches\AcrobatUpd952_all_incr.msp;C:\Adobe9Patches\AcrobatUpd953_all_incr.msp;C:\Adobe9Patches\AcrobatUpd955_all_incr.msp REINSTALLMODE=OMUS REINSTALL=All REBOOT=ReallySuppress /qn

Step 3: Run the command as the administrator. Wait till the msiexec process died down in the task manager, then reboot the PC one time.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Connect Plantronics Wireless Headset CS540 to Cisco IP Phone 79xx

Our receptionist needs to have the ability to answer the phone while moving around. The model of the phone is 7965. I looked around and bought the Plantronics-CS540 Convertible Wireless Headset at Amazon.com. However, it did not work. I meant I still could not answer the call or get a dial tone by pressing the button on the headset.

It turned out I also need the APC41 cable, PLUS a configuration change on Cisco Call Manager or Cisco IP phone if you have permission to do so. The change is to ENABLE "Wireless Headset Hookswitch Control".

The APC41 should support 7942G, 7945G, 7962G, 7965G and 7975G.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Fucking Bitch

Fuck Bitch. I cannot help you if you like to play dumb. Stop complaining and whining. Shut the fuck up. I CANNOT HELP YOUR STUPIDNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Fxxk Bitxh

She is a bitCH! She is a bipolar! She curses employees! She asked employees to cover her mistakes. It's disgusting!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Web Content Editor crashed SharePoint Site

My folk worked on the web content editor and for some reasons to cause the site down. Found this article at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14636145/how-to-roll-back-sharepoint-content-editor, and was able to get back in and close the web content editor, and bring the site up again.

Thanks. Great article.

Google is GOD!

What happened if the Security Default is turned off in Microsoft Entra?

No need to worry about turning off Security Default in Microsoft Entra ID because Microsoft will automatically create 4 managed conditiaiona...