and kept repairing or trying to open in safe mode.
Scanpst locations
32-bit Windows C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12
64-bit Windows C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Virus hided all folders in shares and replaced with {folderName}.exe
- Remove all .exe files
- Use command to unhide folders: C:\<Shares>\attrib *.* /d /s -h -r -s
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Install Dell OM on PE R720
OS: ESXi 5.1 - no previous editions of OM was installed
- Enter the host to maintenance mode in vSphere client
- Download vib file (
- Upload vib file to tmp directory by using WinSCP
- In Putty, run command: "esxcli software vib install -v /tmp/cross_oem-dell-openmanage-esxi_7.1-0000.vib"
- Reboot the server and the vib file will be removed from the tmp directory automatically
- in vSphere client, exit maintenance mode
- Go to Configuration tab, Advanced Settings under Software, UserVars and make sure CIMvmw_OpenManageProviderEnabled set to 1
- Download "OM-SrvAdmin-Dell-Web-WIN-7.1.0-5304_A00" and install on the Windows client to access OM.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Insert SIM Card error
Unable to make call but emergency only.
Solution: in manage conneciton, mobile network options, change network technology to 1XEV.
Solution: in manage conneciton, mobile network options, change network technology to 1XEV.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Unable to update UltraTax Planner because it's locked by a user
Solution: go to ..\$UTPSYS\UID and delete the user.
UltraTax return is locked by other user
Solution: go to DeprData\$DEPCID\ and delete the locked client file.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Restore Missing Tabs in Outlook 2010
Most likely, the previous version was installed...
1. Close Outlook
2. Go to Start-Run type in Regedit
3. Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TypeLib\{2DF8D04C-5BFA-101B-BDE5-00AA0044DE52}
4. Right click on the 2.4 regkey and choose Export. Save this export to your desktop for now so we have a backup.
5. Now once that is backed up right click on the 2.4 regkey and choose delete.
6. Launch Outlook
1. Close Outlook
2. Go to Start-Run type in Regedit
3. Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TypeLib\{2DF8D04C-5BFA-101B-BDE5-00AA0044DE52}
4. Right click on the 2.4 regkey and choose Export. Save this export to your desktop for now so we have a backup.
5. Now once that is backed up right click on the 2.4 regkey and choose delete.
6. Launch Outlook
Friday, September 21, 2012
Friday, August 3, 2012
Good WDS article
Monday, June 18, 2012
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Restore MOSS content database
1. After the new server is installed, no content database.
2. In central admin, Create a new web application at port 80, named wss_content (default)
configurable username and password: pxxxadmin/xxxxx
3. In SQL management studio, r-click databases and select restore database and select wss_content
4. point to bk file and ok to restore
5. got error

6. stop sql service, rename wss_content.mdf and wss_content_log.ldf and try (see screenshot, error1)
7. remove content datbase in central admin>app mgt>content database
8 then i got another error (see screenshot error2)

once removed content db from central admin
stop sql services and delte wss_content.mdf and ldf
restore again and make sure go to options to select overwrite
restored successfully this time
STSADM –o addcontentdb –url <URL name> -databasename <database name> -databaseserver <database server name>
but got error

The specified SPContentDatabase Name=WSS_CONTENT Parent=SPDatabaseServiceInstance has been upgraded to a newer version of SharePoint. Please upgrade this SharePoint application server before attempting to access this object.
verison is 12.0.6425.1000 on both servers!??
run config wizard again
verison on new moss is
on old server is
requested and installed KB2553020 - failed as well
try KB2596541 - - WTF
well "Operation completed successfully"
2. In central admin, Create a new web application at port 80, named wss_content (default)
configurable username and password: pxxxadmin/xxxxx
3. In SQL management studio, r-click databases and select restore database and select wss_content
4. point to bk file and ok to restore
5. got error
6. stop sql service, rename wss_content.mdf and wss_content_log.ldf and try (see screenshot, error1)
7. remove content datbase in central admin>app mgt>content database
8 then i got another error (see screenshot error2)
once removed content db from central admin
stop sql services and delte wss_content.mdf and ldf
restore again and make sure go to options to select overwrite
restored successfully this time
STSADM –o addcontentdb –url <URL name> -databasename <database name> -databaseserver <database server name>
but got error
The specified SPContentDatabase Name=WSS_CONTENT Parent=SPDatabaseServiceInstance has been upgraded to a newer version of SharePoint. Please upgrade this SharePoint application server before attempting to access this object.
verison is 12.0.6425.1000 on both servers!??
run config wizard again
verison on new moss is
on old server is
requested and installed KB2553020 - failed as well
try KB2596541 - - WTF
well "Operation completed successfully"
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Exch on VMDK or RDM and backup
- This is a good article talking about using either VMDK or RDM for Exchange storage.
On the other hand, as far as the VM backup:
Backup software such as vRanger can only back up disks that VMware can snapshot. This includes Thick provisioned VMDK, Thin provisioned VMDK, or Virtual mode Raw Device Mapping.
It can not back up VMDK files that are marked as Independent, Physical Raw Device mappings, or disks presented via an iSCSI initiator from within the Guest OS.
Monday, April 23, 2012
HOWTO Open Excel work paper in separate windows
If the work papers are in Engagement application, click on Tools/Options, check "Launch separate instance of Excel (Dual monitors).
This applies to Excel 2010 as well.
For Windows 7
Left column
Right column {adding (space)"%1"}
Double Click on (Default) and write - "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\EXCEL.EXE" /e "%1"
Right Click on Command – choose "rename" and add something to the name - for example 2 (commend2).
Left column
Right Click on the folder ddeexec and choose "rename" and add something to the name - for example 2 (ddeexec2)
Left column
Right column {adding (space)"%1"}
Double Click on (Default) and write - "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\EXCEL.EXE" /e "%1"
Right Click on Command – choose "rename" and add something to the name - for example 2 (commend2).
Right Click on the folder ddeexec and choose "rename" and add something to the name - for example 2 (ddeexec2)
no restart needed
For Windows XP
1. In Windows Explorer, choose the Tools/Folder Options menu.
2. Click on the File Types tab
3. Scroll down and select the "XLS Microsoft Excel Worksheet" item
4. Click the "Advanced" button
5. Uncheck the "Browse in same window" option
6. Click on "Open" in the Actions list
7. Click the "Edit" button
8. Click in the "Application used to perform action:" box
9. Scroll to the very end. It will say something like ...EXCEL.EXE" /e %1
10. Put quotes around the %1, so it now ends with ...EXCEL.EXE" /e "%1"
11. Click OK twice, Close once, and you should be in business
12 Repeat the steps for XLSX.
How to use spuninst.exe to uninstall Internet Explorer 7
Use Spuninst.exe to uninstall Internet Explorer 7
Step 1: Make hidden files and hidden folders visible
a. Click Start, and then click My Documents.
b. On the Tools menu, click Folder Options.
c. Click the View tab.
d. In the Advanced settings list, under Hidden files and folders, click Show hidden files and folders, and then click OK.
Step 2: Run Spuninst.exe to uninstall Internet Explorer 7
a. Click Start, and then click Run.
b. In the Open box, type %windir%\ie7\spuninst\spuninst.exe, and then click OK.
c. Follow the wizard instructions to uninstall Internet Explorer 7.
After you uninstall Internet Explorer 7, double-click the Internet Explorer icon to verify that Internet Explorer 6 is restored.
Display document name in the title bar of PDF workpaper
- Go to Tools/options, and uncheck "Launch separate instances of Adobe Acrobat (Dual monitors)".
- Then the title will display properly instead of non-sense GUID number.
HOWTO Disable RSS feed in Outlook
Disable Outlook’s RSS Sync:
1. Open Outlook 2007
2. Click the Tools menu
3. Click Options
4. Select the Other tab
5. Click the Advanced Options button
6. Uncheck Sync RSS feeds to the Common Feed List
7. Click OK X 2
Remove Feed Subscriptions from Outlook:
1. Click Tools menu and then Options again.
2. Select the Mail Setup tab
3. Click the Data Files button
4. Click the RSS Feeds tab
5. Click the first feed and scroll down to the bottom of the feed list
6. Hold the SHIFT key and click the last feed. All feeds should now be selected.
7. Click the Remove button
8. Confirm you want them all deleted.
HOWTO Fix Unable to set the Installed property of the AddIn class error
- Close all Excel files
- Open a blank Excel file outside the Engagement.
- Click the Microsoft Office Button on the top left corner in Excel, click Excel Options, and then click Add-Ins.
- Click Manage dropdown list, select disabled item, and click Go.
- Select all items in the disabled dialog box and click Enable.
- Close Excel Options then try to open Excel files in Engagement again.
Dynzip error and failed to complete the sync
The problem is on local machine...
- Create a binder package as a backup
- Make sure Adobe, Winword and Excel.exe is not running
- Delete the binder package from the local and re-syn,if the file is locked, reboot
Unable to open TB with the following error...
Open Protected Database 0
Is2xTBMDB: 91 Object Variable or with Block variable not set (Microsoft Excel)
Is2xWorkBook: 438 Object doesn't support this property or method (Microsoft Excel)
>right-click WM folder, search *.ldb and delete them.
Is2xTBMDB: 91 Object Variable or with Block variable not set (Microsoft Excel)
Is2xWorkBook: 438 Object doesn't support this property or method (Microsoft Excel)
>right-click WM folder, search *.ldb and delete them.
"Unable to open workpaper" error when the Excel is open anyway
1.serach *.xlb and delete all
2.copy epace.xla from /pfx engagment/wm/utitliy to c:/progarm files/micfosoft office/office10 (the current version)/library Excel alone, Tool>allins make sure only epace is check and browse to officexx/library and copy it
4.regedit: currnet user-software-microsoft-excel and make sure "open" key point to the correct path
2.copy epace.xla from /pfx engagment/wm/utitliy to c:/progarm files/micfosoft office/office10 (the current version)/library Excel alone, Tool>allins make sure only epace is check and browse to officexx/library and copy it
4.regedit: currnet user-software-microsoft-excel and make sure "open" key point to the correct path
Dockable Notes Pane is disappeared
Close Engagement program.
Go to Engagment directiory, WM/Workpaper, and delete otp file.
Go to Engagment directiory, WM/Workpaper, and delete otp file.
Run Time Error 2147467259 Fix
-Delete any from: C:\Documents and Settings\<User Profile>\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates
-Open a blank Word doc to re-create the Normal file, close that Word doc
-launch e-Tools and verify the desired doc functions correctly
1004 Unable to get the Insert property of the Pictures class Edit
This is a document specific problem.
Solution is to re-create the document.
I keep receiving an error when I try to open up one of the workpapers in Engagement. The error says “Convert NS – OpenProtectedDatabase”.
1.Close the Engagement application and all Excel files. You can confirm no Excel is running by going to Task Manager (ctrl + alt +del), Processes tab, sort by Image Name column. If you still see Excel.exe once you have closed all Excel files, you can select Excel.exe and end the process.
2.Go to C:\pfx Engagement\WM directory, right-click “WorkPapers” folder, select “search..” Type in *.ldb (ldb stands for Locked DataBase) as the file name, and click on Search.
3.Delete everything found.
2.Go to C:\pfx Engagement\WM directory, right-click “WorkPapers” folder, select “search..” Type in *.ldb (ldb stands for Locked DataBase) as the file name, and click on Search.
3.Delete everything found.
Tax07.exe caused an EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in module oleaut32.dll
Detail: The error is tax07.exe caused an EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
in module oleaut32.dll at 001B:65358CAA
After rearching the internet by using keyword "oleaut32.dll crash", found the solution,
Download VBRun60.exe (VB6 runtime lib)
In safe mode
Open the C:\Windows\System folder.
Rename the file oleaut32.dll to .old (oleaut32.old) and install VPRun60.exe
Boot back into Normal mode.
Reboot the computer.
Dynalink between Engagement and Tax is broken
There’re two places to look into. One in Tax and the other in Engagement.
In Tax program:
Options/Interface options/Accounting Bridges, highlight Engagement, click ‘Configure’, and make sure the Accounting system path is ‘C:\Pfx Engagement\WM’.
In Engagement:
With the binder highlighted, go to Tools, Tax software interface, make sure ‘TB Datase’ and ‘ProSystem fx Tax (Dynalink)’ is selected. Once you click ok, you should be able to follow the wizard to export to Tax software. Please see the detailed steps below,
To export a trial balance to Dynalink, do the following:
In Tax program:
Options/Interface options/Accounting Bridges, highlight Engagement, click ‘Configure’, and make sure the Accounting system path is ‘C:\Pfx Engagement\WM’.
In Engagement:
With the binder highlighted, go to Tools, Tax software interface, make sure ‘TB Datase’ and ‘ProSystem fx Tax (Dynalink)’ is selected. Once you click ok, you should be able to follow the wizard to export to Tax software. Please see the detailed steps below,
To export a trial balance to Dynalink, do the following:
- If the Binder window is active, select Tools/Tax Software Interface. If the File Room Window is active, highlight the client's binder and then select Tools/Tax Software Interface.
- If more than one trial balance exists in the binder, select the trial balance from the Trial balance drop-down list.
- Select ProSystem fx Tax (Dynalink) in the Tax software field.
- Select the tax year from the drop-down list.
- The Beginning date defaults to January 1, yyyy (where yyyy is the year of the Binder Properties Period 1 beginning date). To change the date, use the drop-down list to select another date from the calendar.
- The Ending date defaults to December 31, yyyy (where yyyy is the year of the Binder Properties Period 1 ending date). To change the date, use the drop-down list to select another date from the calendar.
- To export data for the prior year, check the Export prior year box. (Current year data is always exported.)
- Select the ProSystem fx grouping list for the tax entity of the trial balance you are exporting.
- Select the view containing the balance column you are exporting from the View list.
- Select the Balance column containing the amounts you want to export from the Balance drop-down list. (Only current period columns are included in the list.)
- Enter the client's Federal Employer Identification Number in the Employer ID # box. This number is used as the Employer ID Number in the tax return as well as the client code for building the client list when you configure ProSystem fx Engagement as an accounting bridge in ProSystem fx Tax. Be sure to enter a unique FEIN for each trial balance.
- The Save as default for this trial balance is checked by default.
- Click OK. If there are any ungrouped accounts or tax groups not supported by ProSystem fx Tax, the Tax Report dialog will display listing the accounts or groups. You can click Print to print the report, Save As to save the report as an .HTM file, or Close to exit the dialog.
Black bar in Adobe document on Citrix
Open Adobe 8, Edit, Preferences, page display, rendering section
Set Smooth Text: = None
Some thing to fix it for all users - I used the below reg key (worked for me-no warranty though:)
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
http://HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Terminal Server\Install\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\Originals
Refer to:
Set Smooth Text: = None
Some thing to fix it for all users - I used the below reg key (worked for me-no warranty though:)
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Refer to:
Reset Drum Counter on Dell 1720 Printer
- Turn off the power using the switch on the back of the printer.
- Open the front door of the printer.
- Hold the Continue button down, power on the printer, continue to hold down the Continue button until just the Error LED is on solid, then release the Continue button.
- Close the front door. The Continue button, Ready/Data, Toner Low, and Load Paper LEDs should all be lit.
- Wait for the printer to complete its POST process. This is completed once the printer begins emitting a fan noise and the rollers start, then stop.
- Press the Cancel button four times slowly until the Toner Low LED is lit.
- Press and hold the Continue button until the LEDs all begin to rapidly cycle up / down in sequence, then release the Continue button.The Toner Low LED is the only one on.
- Cycle the power on the printer.
When the printer is ready, press the Continue button once to print a settings page.
Under the heading Cartridge Information, verify the Photoconductor value is 0K (zero-K).
Binder Finalization Failed
You got the error message when finalizing a binder, and the binder is finalized in LFR, but it's not in CFR.
The solution:
1) Create a copy of the binder in LFR
2) Synch the binder back to the CFR, then check out the binder
3) Make sure you are satisfied with the new binder
4) Delete the old binder from LFR
5) Rename the new binder back
6) Finalize the binder again
7) Delete the old binder from CFR
Workpaper references and comments have disappeared from the TB Report
I entered workpaper references and comments in blank columns in my TB Report. I have since done some additional work and now all my workpaper references and comments have disappeared from the TB Report. Why?
When changes are made to the Account Grouping order, all rows in the TB Report are deleted and re-inserted in the proper order. When this occurs, manually entered data in the TB Reports is deleted along with the row. If an account is assigned to a different group, only the applicable row is deleted and re-inserted.
TB Report Guidelines
What changes can I make to a TB Report?
Documentation within TB Reports. Reference trial balance amounts within Engagement's TB Reports for efficiency and to minimize the risk of typing over numbers in the TB Database. Engagement's TB Reports (e.g. Lead Schedules, Trial Balance Reports, Journal Entry Reports, etc.) are dynamic and linked to the TB Database. Therefore, these reports change as changes occur in the TB Database. Although TB Reports are in Microsoft® Excel format, they are not standard Microsoft® Excel workpapers and must be used accordingly to avoid undesired workpaper changes. Use the following guidelines when marking up trial balance reports:
- Account Grouping List. Ensure that all building and grouping/mapping within the account grouping list is completed prior to documenting and/or marking up the related TB Reports. Subsequent changes to the account grouping list may cause undesirable changes in workpaper documentation and/or mark up. If a change in an account grouping list is necessary, "publish" the affected TB Report(s) prior to making the change. Use the published copy, or picture copy, as a reference or the workpaper documentation and mark up existing prior to the account grouping list change. Use copy/paste to efficiently transfer documentation and mark ups from the published copy of the TB Report, to actual TB Report if required.
- Hide/Unhide Rows and Columns. Do not hide or unhide any rows or columns with TB Reports.
- Add/Delete Rows. Do not add or delete rows within TB Reports as it can cause file corruption.
- Add/Delete Columns. Columns may be added for additional workpaper references and tickmarks. To avoid the risk of permanently deleting a column that is crucial to the TB Report, NEVER delete a column unless it was manually added by the user.
- Available Columns. All unhidden, empty columns, with no header descriptions are available for documentation and mark ups.
- Available Rows. Place all notes, summarizations, conclusions, comments, explanatory tickmark explanations, and descriptions below the linked trial balance data, two rows below the bottom-most total row. Regardless of changes made in the related account grouping list, this documentation, and mark up will remain.
- Formatting. Do not apply formatting changes to TB Reports, as most changes will not be saved. Even though it is possible to change the formatting of the available cells in the rows and columns mentioned above, avoid all formatting changes within TB Reports for efficiency purposes.
SMART - Unable to add LOCAL to database location...
- Go to Services.msc and make sure the path of TOC..
- Stop TOC... SQL instanace
- Uninstall SQL from add/remove programs
- Uninstall Risk Assessment
- Rename TOC SQL folder, for example, MSSQL2.old
- Install Risk Assessment & SQL
Friday, March 23, 2012
Miata Upgrade Plan
- Sway Bars - stock info
Flyin'Miata swaybars $199 (how-to install - by Jonathan Tang) (how-to remove - by Charles Broadfoot)
Eibach sway bars (front only - 24mm)$169 - replace tie rod ends
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Cmd to open backup & restore in Windows 7
%SystemRoot%\System32\control.exe /name Microsoft.BackupAndRestore
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
On of the IT managers surveyed by Robert Half said it’s challenging to find skilled employees in today’s environment, compared with 48% who said the same a year ago.
Specifically, the most challenging areas to find IT talent are:
link to the article.
Specifically, the most challenging areas to find IT talent are:
- security (cited by 18% of respondents)
- networking (17%)
- database management (11%), and
- help desk and tech support (11%).
link to the article.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Thursday, February 9, 2012
J-lin led Knicks to the 3rd straight win - Linsanity Era
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
J-Lin - The MAN!!!
Monday, February 6, 2012
Missing calendar events in OWA and on iPhone
It appears that anything I am invited to with multiple attendees does not show up on my iphone. I thought it's iphone issue with Exchange ActiveSync at first place, but I found out the events are not in OWA either.
I followed these two KB articles below to resolve the issues in my environment. (Exchange 2003 SP2 & Outlook 2007)
Here are the steps I took.
The past missing events show up both in OWA and iphone4s
I followed these two KB articles below to resolve the issues in my environment. (Exchange 2003 SP2 & Outlook 2007)
Here are the steps I took.
- Requested and installed the hotfix in KB938650
- Clicked on "Fix if for me" to create the registry in the same KB938650
- Created "CalendarRecovery" reg key in KB969254
- Changed Outlook profile to 'non-cached' mode
- Added "CleanupExpansionCachesInTheCalendarFolder" in description of Outlook Calendar
The past missing events show up both in OWA and iphone4s
Friday, January 27, 2012
Winter is ALREADY over in Jan?
It's 1/27/12 and winter is OVER for Houston!!?? How great to start a new year!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
To Exchange Online or Not
- For Online Administrator
- Licensing
- Do I need to purchase a license for the Exchange 2010 hybrid server on prem?
No, if you have a production tenant for Exchange Online you can request a hybrid server product key via Online Support to license the hybrid server. Read more here. (Exchange Online Licensing:
Friday, January 13, 2012
Simple backup script for SQL Express
in backup.bat
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Binn\sqlcmd.exe" -S (local)\TOCTTARGPPC05 -i "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\backup.sql"
In backup.sql
BACKUP DATABASE [ETLSPA] TO DISK = N'\\mbbk\backup_to_folder\mbppc\mbppc.bak' WITH RETAINDAYS = 5, NOFORMAT, INIT, NAME = N'ETLSPA-Full Database Backup', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Binn\sqlcmd.exe" -S (local)\TOCTTARGPPC05 -i "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\backup.sql"
In backup.sql
BACKUP DATABASE [ETLSPA] TO DISK = N'\\mbbk\backup_to_folder\mbppc\mbppc.bak' WITH RETAINDAYS = 5, NOFORMAT, INIT, NAME = N'ETLSPA-Full Database Backup', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10
Install PPC on Citrix server where C is not the root drive
The root drive is Y on Citrix. Updating PPC from web or admin install will fail because there's no valid path for the installer.
- Map a temp C drive
- Run PPCWebMultiSelect.exe from Y:\program files\Common Files\PPC\PPCWebMultiSelectInstaller\
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Symptom: unable to R-click in Windows Explorer on Terminal server.
- User Configuration | Administrative Templates | Start Menu and Taskbar
- User Configuration | Administrative Templates | Windows Components | Windows Explorer
- User Configuration | Administrative Templates | Internet Explorer | Browser Menus
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Azure MFA NPS extension stopped working due to expired certification
Users complained they were unable to log in VMware Horizon Client portal and the logon stuck at "Authenticating...." screen. So I...
Users complained they were unable to log in VMware Horizon Client portal and the logon stuck at "Authenticating...." screen. So I...
This has been a frequent seen issue in our environment. The common symptoms are: After a Word or Excel file open, or when trying to save...
I ran out the C drive space in a Windows 10 virtual machine in VMware. However, after adding additional free disk space, the "Extend...