Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Xerox WorkCenter 5655 Software Reset Procedure

Recommended by a very knowledgeable Xerox technician - perform this procedure once a month

  1. Unplug both Ethernet and power cable for 5 full minutes
  2. Hold down Print green button for 5 seconds and release, wait for 10 seconds, hold down again for another 5 seconds
  3. Plug in the power cable and power on while leaving the Ethernet cable unplugged
  4. Once the printer is up 100%, go to the admin console by pressing Access A button
  5. Enter the credential - by default it's admin and 1111 as the password.
  6. Select Tools Pathway, click on More and select Software Reset
  7. **Important** Select "Reset Both" BUT don't hit "Confirm" button yet. Plug in the Ethernet cable now, then hit "Confirm".
  8. Printer now will power cycle again.
  9. Print some test pages and the printer should respond better

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