Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Error connecting to WSS database backup files

I was testing Selective Restore Manager for SharePoint from Metalogix on my WSS3.0 server. I had no problem connecting to SharePoint database or SharePoint site, but was not able to connect to any database backup file. Then of course, I could not test the file restore either.

At "Add connection" drop-down, I selected "Connection to SharePoint Database Backup file - ready only' option, pointed to my BAK files location, (both network share and local disk). The SQL server name was automatically populated as "<SERVER_NAME>\MICROSOFT##SSEE", and the Authentication is set to "Use Current Windows user". Once I clicked connect and was returned with the following error: 

I contacted Metalogix and was told it's the permission issue to sql. However, I don't have any other account besides my Windows domain admin account used to set up WSS server. I could not enable the remote connection either because this edition of SQL does not support it.

Then I used SQL server management studio express to back up the content database, then SRM seems to see the backup file but SRM crashed as soon as it started to restore.


So maybe this is not the backup solution for me till I found the workaround.


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