Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Install Dell OM on PE R720

OS: ESXi 5.1 - no previous editions of OM was installed

  1. Enter the host to maintenance mode in vSphere client

  2. Download vib file (OM-SrvAdmin-Dell-Web-7.1.0-6339.VIB-ESX51i_A00.zip)

  3. Upload vib file to tmp directory by using WinSCP

  4. In Putty, run command: "esxcli software vib install -v /tmp/cross_oem-dell-openmanage-esxi_7.1-0000.vib"

  5. Reboot the server and the vib file will be removed from the tmp directory automatically

  6. in vSphere client, exit maintenance mode

  7. Go to Configuration tab, Advanced Settings under Software, UserVars and make sure CIMvmw_OpenManageProviderEnabled set to 1

  8.  Download "OM-SrvAdmin-Dell-Web-WIN-7.1.0-5304_A00" and install on the Windows client to access OM.

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