Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Windows 7 SP1 Windows Update stuck at "checking for updates"

On my fresh built Windows 7 SP1 64bit PC without any applications installed, the Windows Updates stuck at "Checking for updates" and made no progress. I also saw "Error 0x8024d00e: window update core" on ReportingEvents file in C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution directory. There are a lot of solutions on Google and I had tried several ways without any luck. Eventually I found out the solution working for my situation and the tool solved my issue is Windows Update Troubleshooter.

Download the Windows Update Troubleshooter first from here, https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/instantanswers/512a5183-ffab-40c5-8a68-021e32467565/windows-update-troubleshooter.

The steps I took to fix all my issues:

  1. Make sure IE11 is installed on fresh built OS.
  2. As most of people have suggested, download and install the latest "Windows Update Agent" as the first step. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3135445.

    In my case, I could not even install it because it stuck at "Searching for updates on this computer..." So I tried to downloaded this fix, https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3102810 to resolve, but it stuck at "Searching for update..." again.
  3. Here comes the rescurer: Run Windows Update Troubleshooter then install KB3102810
  4. Run Windows Update Troubleshooter AGAIN then install KB3135445
  5. Run Windows Update Troubleshooter ONE last time, then launch Windows Updates from the Control Panel, shortly all the updates will be available, then process to install.
Hope this helps you too!!

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